Lahore police imposes over 18 million rupees in fines for anti-smog actions
LAHORE: Lahore Police have imposed fines totaling over 18 million rupees during this year’s anti-smog operations, targeting individuals and activities contributing to the city’s smog.
According to a spokesperson for Lahore Police, the Anti-Smog Action Plan is ongoing, and in 2024, a total of 212 cases have been registered, leading to the arrest of 228 individuals and the imposition of fines exceeding 18 million rupees.
The spokesperson further stated that over 50,000 vehicles have been checked this year, with more than 4,000 fined for emitting excessive smoke.
Additionally, the documents of 4,000 vehicles were confiscated due to lack of fitness certificates, and over 5,000 vehicles were impounded.
A total of 1,900 vehicles were deemed substandard for lacking fitness certificates. Eight individuals were arrested for burning fuel, tar, and carbon boards, while 89 were detained for burning construction materials and 18 for setting fire to crop residues.
Furthermore, 29 individuals were arrested for burning tires, plastic, and shopping bags, 51 for polluting factories, and 33 for setting fire to garbage.