Pakistan’s diplomatic missions observe Kashmir Black Day to show solidarity, seek self-determination right
ISLAMABAD: The diplomatic missions of Pakistan abroad observed the Kashmir Black Day to express solidarity with the Kashmiris in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) underscoring the Indian human rights abuses and calling for the self-determination right of the suffering Kashmiris.
The diplomatic missions held various events including seminars, photo exhibitions and video documentaries that depicted the decades long struggle of the Kashmiri people for their UN-guaranteed self-determination right.
The messages of President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar, issued on Kashmir Black Day were read out.
The events, attended by government personalities, diplomats, notable from the host countries, and media representatives also highlighted the unabated barbarism of the Israeli forces in Palestine and Lebanon and called for the implementation of the UN resolution as well as the ruling of the International Court of Justice.
The Embassy of Pakistan in France organized a Special Seminar on the occasion to express solidarity with the Kashmiris.
In his address, Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that durable peace and stability in South Asia remained contingent upon peaceful resolution of J&K dispute in accordance with UNSC resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people.
He said October 27, 1947 was one of the darkest days for the Kashmiri people as the Indian occupation of J&K, which began on that day, stifled the legitimate aspirations of the Kashmiris to determine their own destiny and subjected them to decades long gross and systematic violations of human rights.
“For several generations, the Kashmiri people have been looking towards the global community, especially the United Nations, to deliver them their promised right to self-determination. India’s illegal and unilateral actions and continuing grave atrocities since 5 August 2019 had further exacerbated the situation and completely alienated the Kashmiri people who were united in rejecting any attempts by the occupying power to undermine the internationally recognized disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir and to alter the demographic composition of the occupied territory,” he remarked.
The ambassador said that India must realize that it cannot suppress the genuine aspirations of the Kashmiri people through its continued forcible occupation and brutalities.
The Ambassador noted that self-determination was a fundamental right enshrined in the UN Charter and international human rights covenants. Kashmiri peoples’ right to self determination was guaranteed by UNSC resolutions which stipulated that this right would be exercised through a free and impartial plebiscite to be held under the auspices of the United Nations.
Speaking on the occassion AJ&K Minister for Small Industries and Trade Kausar Taqdees Gillani voiced strong concern for the inhuman treatment being faced by all Kashmiris especially women and children at the hands of Indian occupation forces.
She called the attention of international community to come together and formulate policy in accordance with UNSC resolutions to help free Kashmiris from Indian occupation and protect their basic human rights.
Prominent speakers condemned the gross violations of human rights and international humanitarian law being committed by the Indian occupation forces against innocent Kashmiris and called upon the international community and media to highlight the miseries of the defenseless Kashmiris and to hold India accountable for its atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity in IIOJK.
A photo exhibition was specially arranged to highlight grave human rights situation in the IIOJK.
The Embassy of Pakistan in Brussels hosted an event to spotlight the ongoing challenges and resilience of the Kashmiri people. Attendees included members of the Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora as well as representatives from the media.
Chargé d’Affaires Faraz Zaidi, Head of Chancery Muhammad Adil, and Counsellor Press Sagheer Wattoo conveyed messages from the President, Prime Minister, and Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister of Pakistan.
Zaidi highlighted the global importance of October 27, stating, “This day, observed globally as Kashmir Black Day, is a solemn reminder of the terror endured by unarmed and innocent Kashmiris, who continue to courageously seek their right to self-determination.”
The event featured a video documentary detailing the historical significance of Kashmir Black Day, commemorating October 27, 1947, when Indian forces entered Jammu and Kashmir. The video underscored the human rights abuses endured by Kashmiris and amplified their calls for justice and self-determination, as recognized by United Nations resolutions.
Imran Saqib, President of the Pakistan Press Club Belgium, presented a poetic tribute to honor the continued resilience and struggle of the Kashmiri people.
Chairman of the Kashmir Council-EU, Ali Raza Syed, emphasizing the importance of sustained international attention to the Kashmir issue and urged the global community to respond to the ongoing human rights abuses in the region, stating, “The international community must not ignore the struggles of the Kashmiri people. Their rights, as upheld by international law, must be respected.”
In the lead-up to Kashmir Black Day, the Embassy held a week-long photo exhibition portraying the experiences and resilience of the Kashmiri people, offering further insight into their ongoing struggle.
The Embassy of Pakistan in Cairo organized a seminar titled “Kashmir Under Siege” to mark “Kashmir Black Day”, at the Chancery.
A special documentary on the historical context of Indian illegal occupation of Jammu & Kashmir was shown during the event .
The guest speakers, representing Egyptian intelligentsia, media, academia and think tank community, in their presentations highlighted the plight of Kashmiris in IIOJK.
They stated that IIOJK is a disputed territory between Pakistan and India, and no country has the right to unilaterally change its disputed status. They called for resolving the issue in accordance with the UNSC Resolutions and as per the aspirations of the people of Kashmir.
The speakers noted with grave concern the Israeli aggression in Gaza and Lebanon and vehemently condemned Israeli barbarism. The speakers saluted the resolution of innocent Kashmiris, Gazans and citizens of Lebanon against Indian and Israeli brutal oppression.
Chargé d’affaires Dr. Raza Shahid in his remarks paid tribute to the Kashmiris for their valiant struggle.
He reiterated steadfast support of the government and people of Pakistan for Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.
He stressed that international community must act immediately and impress upon India to reverse its unilateral and illegal actions of August 5, 2019 and stop its demographic apartheid in IIOJK.
A large number of intellectuals, journalists, students and Pakistani community notables attended the event.
Saudi Arabia
The Consulate General of Pakistan organized a community gathering to commemorate 27th Oct, as Kashmir Black Day at Pakistan Consulate Jeddah.
Ambassador of Pakistan in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Syed Mohammad Fawad Sher was a keynote speaker. Chairman Kashmir Committee Masood Puri, Acting Chairman J&K Overseas Community M. Arif Mughal highlighted the plight of people of Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K).
The speakers emphasised the historical significance of the day, condemned the brutalities of the Indian occupying forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K) particularly post August 5, 2019.
A rich tribute was paid to the sacrifices of Kashmiris against the Indian oppression, speakers underlined that people of Pakistan will never withdraw from its just and ethical stance on the IIOJ&K.
Speaking at the occasion, Consul General of Pakistan Khalid Majid acknowledged and lauded consistent support to the Kashmir cause by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Saudi government.
Renowned Pakistani author Dr. Khalid Abbas Al Assadi also shared his views on historic significance of the freedom struggle of Kashmiris and the spirit of sacrifices.
United Arab Emirates
An event to observe Kashmir Black Day was held in Pakistan’s Consulate in Dubai which was attended by members of the Kashmiri and Pakistani communities. The day marks the continued struggle of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
Addressing the gathering, Hussain Muhammad, Consul General said that Kashmir Black Day served as a reminder of the unresolved issue and unfulfilled promises made under relevant UN Security Council’s resolutions.
Hussain said that Pakistan continued to extend moral, diplomatic, and political support to the just cause of Kashmir and urged all, especially youth, to play an active role in raising awareness about the Kashmir issue on all platforms.
“In today’s digital world, our youth must highlight the Kashmir issue on the international stage so that the world remains informed about the continued struggle of the Kashmiri people,” emphasised the Consul General.
A special documentary video shedding light on the ongoing struggle and hardships faced by the people of IIOJK was also shown.
Acknowledging Pakistan’s continued support, representatives from the Kashmiri community spoke on the occasion. They extended gratitude to the government and people of Pakistan for standing with their Kashmiri brothers and sisters in the struggle for self-determination.