PMD predicts mainly dry weather in most parts of country
However, cloudy weather with rain-wind/thunderstorm (light snowfall over high mountains) is likely in Gilgit-Baltistan, upper Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir and Potohar region.
Partly cloudy weather with light rain/thunderstorm may occur at isolated place in northeast Punjab during evening/night. Smog is likely to prevail in Peshawar and surroundings, Islamabad and Punjab, while dense fog is also likely during morning hours.
As per synoptic situation, continental air is prevailing over most parts of the country. A westerly wave is prevailing over upper parts of the country and likely to persist till Monday (night).
During the last 24 hours, weather remained dry in most parts of the country, while cold in hilly areas. Smog/dense foggy condition prevailed in most areas of Punjab. Leh remained the coldest place in the country on Sunday where temperature fell up to -02 degrees Celsius.